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In this page you will find all the projects the Pro Loco Baselice wish to develop through this website. It is an open section that adresses to the people of the network and the various skills that each of us has. So we adresses also to you!Take a look at our projects and help us to improve our services!

Translation Project

Every website needs to allow an easy access to people. We managed to translate the website in English, but we have no German translation.

German is the first language more widestread in Europe, as well as the language of many Baselice's immigrants. A german translation cuold offer a useful service for a lot of people.

So, if you Know German, give us a hand! You only have to translate texts in German and than send them to us

Immigrant Project

Like every year, during the event "Festa dell'Emigrante", the Pro Loco Baselice carries a photo gallery as evidence of the phenomenon of emigration, a phenomenon that has always interested and continues to interest our land.

Like every year, we committed to expand our gallery with new pictures.

If you are in possession of photographs that testify the departure, the journey, or the life of our emigrants all around the world, send a mail to

Space for ideas

As you noticed,  this website is expanding and aims to provide services for the Baselice's population, as well as for tourists.

If you have ideas that could help us to improve this site and to expand our services, send an email to

P.S. Sorry for our English.

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